Quay County On The Move
Quay County On The Move is a joint initiative of the Quay County Extension Service and Quay County Health Council with funding from Presbyterian Health Care Services. A committee of volunteers work to promote and provide fitness activities in Quay County New Mexico. This committee meets monthly on the second Thursday at 9:30 in room A-219 at Mesalands Community College. Anyone interested in helping with the planning is welcome to attend. Activities are designed to encourage families of all ages to increase their physical activity.

Events and Activities
Quay County Rocks Your Walks!
Here is a fun opportunity for you and your family, hosted by the Quay County Health Council. Visit the listed Tucumcari community parks and search for hidden painted rocks. Pick up your rock, take it to the Quay County Assessor's Office in the Quay County Courthouse, and claim your prize (a coupon for a free cookie!). The Rock of the Week gets a gift certificate, and the person who collects the most rocks will receive the grand prize! Event lasts through June 4, 2021.
If you have questions, please call us at Quay County Cooperative Extension Service at 575-461-0562.

Safe Walking Routes

This Downtown Walking Trail is Approximately 2 miles
Park and start at the Railroad Depot. Walk South on 2nd street to Main cross to South side of street. Head West on Main to 3rd. Head South on 3rd to High Street. Head East on High Street to 2nd Street and Turn Right pass the Library, past the mural. Turn left (East) on Route 66 and cross at the light. Turn East on Adams Street and head North past the Dinosaur museum Historical museum, and Dream Catcher Hospitality House to Main Street. Turn West on Main Street. Cross 1st street and head to 2nd street. Turn South on 2nd past the mural and Stop at Aber. Cross to the West side of the street and head back North to the train depot past the new park. End at the train depot. Tourist could take side trips to see the parks, church, city hall, or mural on Aber.