Family & Consumer Sciences
Our county's Extension home economics program is committed to providing information to help families deal with the complex issues of today.
Our programs focus on: Improving consumer and family skills and building leadership skills.
We teach through: Local programs, community projects, group training sessions.
Learn more about Extension programs and resources:
- Extension Family & Consumer Sciences
- Extension Health & Family Well-Being
- Cooperative Extension Service
Upcoming Workshops
Quay County On The Move
A joint project of the Quay County Extension Service and Quay County Health Council to help families increase the amount of walking they are doing. Walking is inexpensive and has many health benefits.
- Quay County On The Move
Information on Safe Walking Routes around Tucumcari and upcoming walking events
- 2021 Fun Run Registration Form
Bring completed form with you to the event at 7:30 am on October 2 and turn in for a wrist band.
FCS Newsletter
- November Newsletter
To be added to the mailing list, call 461-0562
- News For Healthy Families
Check out this blog with tips and ideas for improving your health and family time
Quay County Extension Clubs

The Quay County Extension Clubs are an active and vital part of the County Extension Home Economics programs. There are currently only 2 clubs in Quay County. Each month the clubs have an educational program provided by the Extension Home Economist. The Extension clubs assist with many projects in their communities. The council meets 4 times a year and holds 3 special county wide activities. Membership is open to anyone who is interested. To visit a club near you, call 461-0562 and we will link you up.
Conchas Extension Club Meets on the Second Thursday at the Baptist Mission. President is Helen Karns.
Forrest Everybody's Club Meets on the Third Thursday at the Forrest Fire Station. President is Diana Rush
Winter Programs are "Easy 4 Ingredient Recipes" "The Gut Microbiome" "Freezer Meals" and Reducing our Carbon Footprint with Less Plastic Use
Quay County is Affiliated with the Extension Association of New Mexico. Visit EANM.
Quay County Cares Bags
This wonderful community service project gets the whole community involved. Those with needlework and sewing talents help by making bags, hats, and scarves. Others are making beautiful cards and writing a short note. Others are gathering items to put in the bags. Several churches have made this project their bible school mission project and have gathered items for bags. Others purchase items and donate to the cause. Some organizations even donate funds.
The bags will be stuffed in October and then delivered to the Chemotherapy and Dialysis Treatment Centers in Clovis, and the children's hospital in Albuquerque. The goal for this year is 50 bags. We will be making men, women and children's bags.
Items Needed for the bags:
Adult Bag of Candy Band-Aid Holders Card Care Bag Project Chap Stick Gloves Gloves - Men Hand Sanitizer Hats - men Hats - women Kleenex Lotion Note Books Note Pads Paperback Book in good condition Pens x 2 Plastic Trash Bags Puzzle Books scarfs Socks Sticky Notes Tooth Brush Tooth Paste Tote Bag
Children's Bag of Candy Card Chap Stick Children's Book Coloring Book Crayons or color pencils Gloves Hand Sanitizer Hats Kleenex Lotion Note Books Puzzle Books socks Tooth Brush Tooth Paste Tote Bag Toy or game
In October we will also be putting together backpacks for foster kids. The backpacks will go to children recently removed from their homes and being placed into temporary care. We will be including toys, blankets, and personal care items. These backpacks are delivered to our local CYFD office for children removed from homes in Quay County. Join us for the great community service project.
Items needed for the Foster Kid Bags:
Infant Bags Baby appropriate Stuffed Animal Baby Bath Baby Lotion Baby Powder Bibs Blanket Bottles with Brush Comb and Brush set Pacifier Rash Ointment Rattles Teething Ring Onesie Socks Tote Bag
Toddler Bags (2 to 4) Bag or Back Pack Blanket Brush Color Book Coloring Book Comb Crayons Gloves Hat Lotion Shampoo Sippy Cups Socks Story Book Toothbrush Toothpaste Toy Underpants
Elementary Bags (5 - 10) Back Pack Blanket Brushes Candy Chap stick Coloring Book Combs Crayons Drinking Cups Face soap Gloves Hats Lotion Markers Notebooks Pen Pencil Shampoo Socks Tooth Brush Tooth Paste Toy Kleenex
Teen Bags (11-18) Activity Book Back Pack (String) Blankets Brush Candy Chap stick Color Pencils Comb Drinking cups Face soap Gloves Hair Ties Hats Notebooks Tooth Brush Tooth Paste Toy or gift Travel kits Kleenex Lotion
Donations accepted to help defer the cost of putting these bags together. Drop items off at the Extension Office year-round,
Donations of items for the bags or funds to purchase items are always appreciated. You are also welcome to come help us fill the bags.

Become a Mail Box Member
Do you want to be a part of a group that is making a difference in the community, but you do not want to be tied down to a monthly club meeting? Do you want to support the activities of the Extension Club and Extension Service, but you can not commit to being an active member? Consider joining as an At-large Member. County membership is $5.00 per year and you will receive a monthly newsletter, handouts from yearly educational programs, and be able to participate in county and district activities. State membership is only $13.50 and you will be eligible to attend the state meeting, participate in the state cultural arts show, receive the state newsletter, and be apart of a state organization that is making a difference.
To join call the Extension Office and we will get you the paperwork.

Food Preservation
The Quay County Extension Service offers free pressure canner gauge testing. Just call 461-0562 and make sure someone is available to test, then bring your canner lid with dial gauge in. You do not need the bottom of the canner. Testing takes just a few minutes. Remember to adjust all pressure canning recipes to 13 pounds for our altitude. The Extension office also has how to publications on food preservation.
NMSU has publications available for preserving fruits and vegetables including the latest research on preserving green chile. Visit How To Publications.
Living Well With Diabetes Newsletters
If you would like to be added to the mailing list to receive this newsletter in the mail, contact Colette at the Quay County Extension Office. 575 461-0562. Due to the retirement of the FCS Agent, new newsletters will not be available.
Strong Seniors Stay Young
The Quay County Extension Service and Mesalands Community College will be offering the Strong Seniors Stay Young Program, an exercise program for middle-aged and older men and women in Tucumcari. Current Session Began in August at Mesalands Community College and co-led by Tom Morris, MCC Director of Career Services and Brenda Bishop, Retired Extension FCS Agent.
The Strong Seniors Program will use the Strong Women Program curriculum which was developed by Miriam Nelson, PhD with Tufts University. The program is based upon years of research on how strength training and proper nutrition improve the health of women of all ages. Strength is a critical factor in living healthier, more active lives. Research shows that a program of strength training not only improves bone density but reduces falls, improves arthritis symptoms, and increases flexibility and strength. All needed equipment will be provided by the Extension Service. Added to the program will be some balance exercises and exercises to improve your walking ability.
To enroll, an information packet must be picked up from the Extension Office. The forms must be filled out and a doctor's release obtained before the start of class. The cost for the series of classes will be $20.00 per person and must be paid on the first day of class. Persons, who have taken the class previously, do not need a doctor's release, but must call the Extension Office and reserve a spot. Class is limited to 30 people. Next session of classes begins in August 21, 2023.
For more information contact the Quay County Extension Office at 461-0562.
Quay County Health Council
Quay County Health Council is at Work in Quay County. The council addresses many health issues in the county through volunteer committee work. The council meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 11:30 in the Extension Office at 216 E Center. Bring a sack lunch. Email the Health Council at
The Extension Service Collaborates with the Council on a variety of projects including the Community Wellness Fair, new parent program, diabetes programming and on improving Nutrition and Fitness in the community.
- Quay County Health Council
Facebook Page